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Welcome To INTACT

    The International Network to Analyze, Communicate and Transform the Campaign against FGM/C (INTACT), is an international group of researchers, scholars, and activists committed to bringing scientific evidence to bear on the campaign to end FGM/C. INTACT serves as a forum for FGM/C debate and helps bridge gaps in knowledge and information relevant to FGM/C on the local and the international levels. INTACT helps communicate lessons learned, disseminate research, and promotes the utilization of research findings to assist in the campaign against FGM/C.

    INTACT is managed by the Population Council.

    FGM This Month
    Female genital mutilation (FGM) is child abuse and no girl, or women, should ever have to suffer the physical and emotional impact of such harmful practice. More…
    Even though it was five years ago, I remember the first time I met my grandmother like it was yesterday. There was a lot of anticipation leading up to this great event and I was eager to find out the secret about my grandmother that I felt my mother was hiding. I had a hunch that she would finally l…
    Facts on FGM
    FGM is practiced in at least 28 countries in Africa and a few others in Asia and the Middle East.
    An estimated three million girls are at risk for cutting each year on the African continent alone.
    FGM is generally performed on girls between ages of 4 and 12, although it is practiced in some cultures as early as few days after birth or as late as just prior to marriage.
    FGM refers to a variety of operations involving partial or total removal of female external genitalia.
    FGM poses serious physical and mental health risks for women and young girls.
    (Source: C. Feldman-Jacobs and D. Clifton, Female Genital Mutilation / Cutting: Data and Trends- Update 2010, Washington,DC: Population Reference Bureau)
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